Edit Approaches


New member
Feb 1, 2007
Good afternoon!

Is there a way to edit/modify the approaches that are listed in pop-up in the logbook? For example, I would like to add PRM approaches. I realize I could just enter them as either ILS or LDA, but would like to differentiate.



At this time there is not any way to customize the list of approaches in Logbook Pro Desktop. There is a possibility that this may be included in a future version of Logbook Pro Desktop.

In the meantime, the best suggestion I can offer is for you to create a custom "Yes/No" column called "PRM" under Options/Custom and choose the Yes/No tab. This will add a checkbox to your logbook. You could then log each ILS PRM in the approaches column as "ILS" and check the box to indicate that it was a PRM. This would allow you to use the Analyzer to filter out just the flights where the checkbox was checked and that will show you only ILS PRM approaches.

Hope this works for you for now.