Few wishes


Nov 19, 2001
The biggest wish that european users could have is to choose the duration calculation method. If we use 10ths of hours instead of hours & minutes, we are not allowed to substitute Logbook pro for our logbook. The reason is that logbook uses format as H.M in tenths. European format requires H:MM. When we convert H.M in tenths to H.MM in hours and minutes, we do have a problem the totals are not equal because of the difference of digits after decimal point.

Otherwise, IMHO, the windows entry system should be kept, with option to kill approaches type vor VFR pilots.

The link to the plane database should be kept also.

Thanks to Neil for a great piece of Software.
I currently use a PDA logbook for my Palm.
The software that I use does not allow a windows interface, which is a feature I really do need.
The features that I require are:
Date, Type, Reg,
Route: From, Via, To ( all pref with drop down pick lists )
Hours: Day, Night, Total ( auto calculated )( decimal )
Flt Crew ( pref with a picklist of previous names )
Other Crew ( pref' customizable, eg Purser, Cabin Chief, CSD etc )
and a selection of customizable tick boxes for ETOPSs, AWOPS, Draft ( not much of that these days) Reports etc.
I have used decimal time for many years now withou any problems from the CAA - in h.m format ( 6mins =0.1 )

Good luck,

Alan Kerr,
Tell us what is the name of the software you are using, so that others may review it too for the development of the Logbook Pro version.
From your description, It sounds good.

The reason the French DGAC refuses logbook pro is just the issue of decimals not summing up close enough to totals in hours and minutes. I know it's stupid, but they won't budge.
An option to choose the time format would really be great.
I am sure it is no secret, I currently use PalmLog Pro.
Sadly for various reasons it's developement has stalled lately.
