Format HELP, URGENT!!!!


New member
Oct 4, 2016
I have an airline interview coming up in just another couple days and I'm trying to REPRINT my logbook. I printed it off once, but have since added flights to it and need to reprint. The format I used before isn't loading properly!!!! It's ommitting a bunch of pages and I'm running out of time! My logbook was originally 158 pages, but when I do a split style jepp in a custom setup it's only 146 pages! The last pages do not line up or make sense at all.

What I need...

If I used the default split style it loads perfectly, 158 lines up pages, BUT my custom columns are missing which I need!

I had this exact issue last week but I realized that my custom columns were actually renamed/remapped columns of the existing ones. I could not find a way to actually ADD/REMOVE columns. That's when I changed the text in the headers. Then I set the data source to the proper custom time. This can all be done in the editor and you'll be working in the left frame changing those fields.
If you printed in the past and you're printing new pages now, measure your header/footer margins. If header/footer margins are different from the past it can cause a difference in number of rows per page.