"Freeze Panes" option on Logbook Pro


New member
Nov 18, 2002

I don't know if this is the same subject Steve Mackay brought up on his 11-12-02 post about 'locking windows', but I shurely wouild like to have a 'freeze panes' option while working with my Logbook pro in the spreadsheet mode. I am transferring about 40 year's worth of logbook entries from an old MSDOS format I've been using (no, I'm not that 'walrus' somenone else referred to). I've been using Excel .csv file conversions to transfer data and it's going fairly smoothly, but being able to crosscheck entries would be much easier if I could 'freeze' the 'DATE' column.

If this is possible, I haven't figured it out, yet and if it isn't, could you 'Meister Gurus' work it into a future update?

Thank yuh verra mush!
You can freeze columns by clicking the 'Show Splitter' icon, just to the left of the TV screen icon, looks like <|>. You can then drag it left or right and place it RIGHT of the column(s) you want frozen. The other person was actually talking about 'locking' cells, a little different than what you are asking.

Neal Culiner
NC Software, Inc.