Logged Multiple bugs building a pairing from scratch.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
So I am building a 3 day pairing for training. There is no block or FDP. I have encountered 2 bugs. 1) It says I didn't get 3 hrs in the hotel, even though it shows 17 hrs rest. (Appears to be treating as split duty...I tried manually entering 117 unaugmented and even Part 91, no fix. 2) rest between day 2 and 3 is way off, shows 41 hrs, should be 15. I triple checking all entered times AND DATES, it appears to be skipping day 2 when calculating rest.

Here is the pairing:





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I notice a couple things from your screenshots.

First, the rest time being incorrect makes me suspect that you may have the Training payroll category set with "Apply to Legality" turned OFF. This will make APDL think the time spent in training does not count as "duty" and is therefore "rest". This would only be turned off for things that do not count as duty but you may still get paid, such as if you had only one flight on a particular day and it canceled (you never reported for duty, but still get paid).

Next, I looked into the split duty issue and I may have found the reason for your problem. Split duty is detected by the automatic legality engine when there is a matching city pair, in your case IND and IND. I'll get that reported so we can have it addressed. In the meantime, you should be able to resolve the legality and rest issues it's showing you by changing one of the cities to something other than IND.
You were correct about the APPLY to Legality Button. Rest is now correct on day 3. I would have liked to keep IND to IND. I tried no city pairs but that would not let me save the times. Would the split duty be triggered by identical city pairs in a return to gate? Why does a leg with the same departure and destination trigger a split duty period?
I'm not sure about a return to gate scenario triggering split duty. I'm pretty sure it doesn't but that could be because it's specifically checking for "return to gate" to omit split duty or something similar. It likely has something to do with the identical city pair and that being the only item on that day. We will take a look at it.

Split duty is detected by identical city pair in the case of a "rest opportunity" entry which would have an identical city pair. That was a method we used early on in testing before the "rest opportunity" category was added. It may have gotten left in place by accident and needs to be removed.
I'm not sure about a return to gate scenario triggering split duty. I'm pretty sure it doesn't but that could be because it's specifically checking for "return to gate" to omit split duty or something similar. It likely has something to do with the identical city pair and that being the only item on that day. We will take a look at it.

Split duty is detected by identical city pair in the case of a "rest opportunity" entry which would have an identical city pair. That was a method we used early on in testing before the "rest opportunity" category was added. It may have gotten left in place by accident and needs to be removed.


I have an open thread in the BETA forum about this exact "split duty" issue. My training events are causing the same thing and I have "apply to legality" set.

I know you guys have been crazy busy!!!
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Sorry I missed that thread. That was during my hiatus from forums to create documentation.

This issue was actually fixed today internally and will be in the next update. Turns out I was right, it was looking for a matching city pair that isn't return to gate.