No data....


New member
Oct 13, 2007
After pasting and importing my schedule (Midwest Airlines, Flica), I download the text file and after opening it, there is absolutely NO data. Only the column titles....

I will paste it here below.

Date ACType N-Number Route OUT IN Duration Flt Number Trip Number Crew Hotel Remarks Duty ON Duty OFF Legs

Obviously, when I open Logbook Pro to import the data, there is nothing to import.

I will also attach the TXT file.

Funny thing is that one time when something DID download, it was some Chitaqua pilot's schedule.... funny stuff...

Thanks in advance for your help...


  • M6143-2007-10-13-ByLogPage.txt
    108 bytes · Views: 37
I'm having the same problem (Allegiant/CMS). I run the wizard and after "importing" a trip I download it and......*poof* all the info disappears and I'm left with a .txt file containing only the column titles.

I have also experienced the "other pilot" syndrome you speak of. It seems to happen to me when trying to import more than one trip at a time and suddenly on the next page--wahlah! I have a few of my trips and then some crazy 4 day starting out of jfk will be there.

Hopefully someone will get this fixed soon!


We made a few tweaks and posted 7.1.3 which is now on the site. Please try again using either the "Auto" filter or your specific airline/format. If it doesn't work for you please submit a support ticket and provide your trip data for us to test against.

Thank you.

I'm going to post the same reply here as I sent you in the support ticket for others to learn from. The reason the Export for Logbook Pro is showing no data other than column headers is because the trip data you imported has no Start Date - aka it's set to BIDLINE which signals APDL to prompt you to select a start date when importing this schedule information. The fix is to change any "Start Date" columns that show BIDLINE to an actual date. Click the EDIT button/link on the far left of the trip row, click in the Date field and choose the date from the drop down calendar.

I am considering how to handle this automatically, i.e. if when generating a Logbook Pro export to change BIDLINE values to today's date, which can be updated once in Logbook Pro.