Answered Not registering landings


New member
Jul 9, 2024
I’ve been flying pretty regularly and for some reason apdl thinks i have expired landing currency even though I have about 20 landings logged in the last month
Adding some screan shots. Note, this is from the recently updated app. Not sure if source of issue.


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The footnote below your "Last 2 Landings" row shows the calculation is using "undefined types" as your aircraft for calculating landing currency.
Check your Settings/Aircraft page and make sure your common types are properly set for the aircraft you fly. If you fly more than one aircraft and they use a common type, the new landings currency feature will need to be set up to properly include all variants of that common type in the calculation.
I recommend you keep undefined types on the common types list and add whatever else you fly. Undefined types as default will keep new aircraft from being improperly logged, but that means it needs to be included in the calculation to avoid issues like this.

I literally just finished publishing the written documentation and tutorial video a few minutes ago about this.
I added a couple aircraft to play with landing currency.. It let me add, but won't let me remove an aircraft... tried iPhone and iPad.. click save with bullet off ..
I added a couple aircraft to play with landing currency.. It let me add, but won't let me remove an aircraft... tried iPhone and iPad.. click save with bullet off ..
If the aircraft are in use in the log they can't be removed. You can archive, otherwise delete the log entries and retry, that still may not work as we don't physically delete entries, we just mark them as deleted.
If the aircraft are in use in the log they can't be removed. You can archive, otherwise delete the log entries and retry, that still may not work as we don't physically delete entries, we just mark them as deleted.
OK.. will look into.. I was able to add / subtract 737NG-700 and -800.. but not able to subtract -400 I no longer fly..
Still can't remove 737-400 yet.. probably since I have log time in that aircraft this year.. as we start January 2025, should I be able to then exclude that aircraft?
It will let me swipe to remove the 700 and 800.. but won't let me remove the 400 ..


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That is simply removing it from the recent flight experience list, it is not deleting the Type. I'll log a bug report on why the first item can't be removed but that is not related to archive or deletion.