Example #2 (Less Common):
Your company only pays you the scheduled block time for each day, regardless of whether you take more or less time to actually fly the days legs.
Set (Leg Guarantee) = No & (Trip Guarantee) = No
By setting (Leg Guarantee) = No, once again you are telling the program to sum the flight time flown for the entire day. By setting (Trip Guarantee) = No, you are telling the program to pay you only the total scheduled daily block time.
Result? If you fly a 6 day trip in 29.5 hours, but the entire trip is only scheduled for 4.5 hours, you get paid 4.5 hours.
Example #3 (Uncommon):
Your company is really cool and pays you the greater of scheduled block time or actual block time flown on a leg by leg basis.
Set (Leg Guarantee) = YES & (Trip Guarantee) = No or Yes
By setting (Leg Guarantee) = Yes, you are telling the program to pay you for at least the originally scheduled block time for each leg. If you fly a leg longer, it pays you for the acutal flight time.
Because each leg is already Guaranteed, there is no need to set Trip Guarantee to Yes, although doing so will not affect any computations.
Example: Your day is scheduled for two legs.
Leg 1 is blocked for 1.5 hours
Leg 2 is blocked for 2.2 hours
You fly Leg 1 in 1.0 hour. This means that you receive an under block credit of .5 hours. This under block credit is added to the actual block time flown of 1.0 hours for that leg, for a total leg credit of 1.5 hours.
You fly Leg 2 in 2.5 hours. This means that you have an actual leg credit of 2.5 hours.
Leg 1 Credit = 1.5 hours
Leg 2 Credit = 2.5 hours
Total Credit = 4.0 hours