I feel NC Software committed a major software programming violation. They changed 2 programs simultaneously … without backward compatibility. Specifically, they have out Logbook Pro 1.10.33 RC3 (not matter what you call it, it is a Beta version) while the official version matrix list Version 1.10.26. Then they updated the Web based Airline Schedule Importer to Version 7.3.0 that ONLY works with the BETA version RC3.
What gives?
I want the previous version of the Airline Schedule Importer OR one that works with the non-BETA version of Logbook Pro. I am not in the habit of updating to RC/BETAs for obvious reasons. Any ideas?
What gives?
I want the previous version of the Airline Schedule Importer OR one that works with the non-BETA version of Logbook Pro. I am not in the habit of updating to RC/BETAs for obvious reasons. Any ideas?