Your company pays you the greater of scheduled block time or actual block time flown, for the entire daily scheduled block time (not a leg by leg basis).
Set (Leg Guarantee) = No & (Trip Guarantee) = Yes
By setting (Leg Guarantee) = No, you are telling the program to look at the sum of actual flight time flown for that entire day. It will use this number to compare to the scheduled block time for the day. By setting (Trip Guarantee) = Yes, you are telling the program to pay you at least the total scheduled daily block time.
Result? If you are scheduled for 3 legs for the day, and the total scheduled block time for those legs is 5.2 hours, but you fly it in 4.5 hours, you are paid 5.2 hours. I.E.: You get the greater of scheduled block or actual flight time flown for the entire day
In regards to the holiday pay set up a seperate pay category and call it holiday and do not check apply to flight. But have a min of 4 hours. then create a leg on the holiday.