I known you had a FAQ post to this problem but mine will not go away.
My Schedule:
DFW 1800 local Dep to MTY 1937 local ARR
DFW2300 ZDep to MTY 0037 Z ARR
DFW 0118 Local Dep to MTY0249 Local ARR
DFW 0618 Z Dep to MTY 0749 Z ARR
Weather I enter 1800 local or 2300 Z, I get the same error message.
My Time Zone settings are:
Domicile's Time Zone at UTC -6
Adjust for Daylight Savings is checked ON
Logbook Time Zone at UTC
Adjust for Daylight Savings is checked ON
Import Schedules in at Local
Daylight Savings in effectis checked ON
What am I doing wrong?
My Schedule:
DFW 1800 local Dep to MTY 1937 local ARR
DFW2300 ZDep to MTY 0037 Z ARR
DFW 0118 Local Dep to MTY0249 Local ARR
DFW 0618 Z Dep to MTY 0749 Z ARR
Weather I enter 1800 local or 2300 Z, I get the same error message.
My Time Zone settings are:
Domicile's Time Zone at UTC -6
Adjust for Daylight Savings is checked ON
Logbook Time Zone at UTC
Adjust for Daylight Savings is checked ON
Import Schedules in at Local
Daylight Savings in effectis checked ON
What am I doing wrong?