Update and Custom Fields


New member
Apr 16, 2016
My Desktop and Android versions of Pro updated yesterday.

Unfortunately, when i opened the desktop version it had completely wiped out my logbook.
I restored from a backup.

The restored version does not show any of the "options" -> "custom" fields i added. The fields are still listed in "custom" but do not show in the logbook. I removed and re-input the fields in the same order in the "options" -> "custom" window and the fields will then appear in the log but without any data.

Is there a way to restore from the backup with the fields intact so i won't have to correct 2500 log book entries?

Desktop Version updated to 1.16.9

Please submit a support ticket and include your latest Logbook Pro backup file (.BAK). There was no Desktop update, it sounds like something locked your data file which triggers the update process. Send the latest .OLD file found in your Documents / My Logbook Pro Files / v1 folder as well.