24 hour clock for OOOI times on iPhone


May 14, 2004

I love the new iPhone app! What a time saver! I do have a question however. Is there a way to use 24 hour clock (i.e. military time) when entering flight times? If not, I would respectfully ask that you consider adding that functionality in a future release.



I'm a brand new Logbook Pro/iPhone user. I need the iPhone Logbook Pro to show the 24 hour clock. I switched my iPhone settings to 24hr as per the KB article and the program is behaving as expected. Unfortunately, I prefer having my iPhone system in the 12hr AM/PM mode.

If it's possible, I'd like to see the 12/24hr option available as a program setting that does not require a system setting change.

So far I really like LogBook Pro. Thanks for the work!

Ken H
Capt - 757/767
Hi Ken,

Thank you for the compliments. We are considering this functionality for a future update. I don't have any details or timeline to share at this time as we are experimenting with how best to handle this presently.
We are considering this functionality for a future update.

Great! Glad to hear it.

I have one other minor issue with the iPhone app - When I create a new flight I have enter a date in the Date field. The Out and In times also require dates to be entered. Would it be possible to hide the Date field so the system uses the Out date as the Flight Date?

This would make entering a flight a little bit faster (important during the race to evacuate the cockpit to get to the hotel <grin>)

Thanks again for a really cool product.

Hi Ken,

We can't hide the date in the OOOI fields as there are situations where it could be different than the flight date, believe it or not. :)

The OOOI date does default to your Flight Date but if you're logging OOOI in UTC but your Flight Date in Local (some users do this) it may be different. You can tap the bar above the date/time picker to choose which mode you want from Date/Time, to Date, or just Time.

I'm working on a system where you won't need to use the pickers at all but we'll see if that comes to fruition. Ultimately I want to make it an option so you can use the pickers if you want, or use a direct input system for date or date/time. The pickers do come in handy if you learn the tricks such as just tapping the value you want once it's in view, it will scroll to the value you tapped, etc. It also has a good validation system so you can't enter a wrong date or time, i.e. 2757 hours.

2.0.1 is in the works now, we'll see if we can get this included. It's been something I've wanted for a long time now.