APDL Commute


Well-known member
APDL Beta Team
Sep 3, 2013
Just starting to play with this feature.. can you have move then one city pair?.. ex PHX CVG and CVG PHX.. I only see that I can only have oner direction at a time that I need to change depending on direction I need to go.. currently it is only showing a non-stop flight, and not other options that might have a 1 leg stop..
There’s a separate row at the beginning and the end of a trip that has the opposite direction flight pre-loaded on it.
The commute feature only supports one leg commutes.
Hi Neal.. on the commute To / Home and tracked flights in settings - Airline.. I can only put single digit numbers ie.. 6/6/6 (is that 6 hours or 6 min?).. should I be able to put 30 (min) to x-number of hours? what's the range for all three entries?

I looked on the Airline - APDL - NC Software Documentation - APDL - NC Software Documentation .. but did not see what I was looking for regarding
It’s minutes. I don’t have a single digit limitation. Make sure the cursor goes on the right side of the zero if that’s what you’re seeing there and then backspace to delete the zero first.
I don’t know the max range for tracked flights.