buggy schedule copy/paste flow


Mar 28, 2005
Im a Republic pilot.

Attempting to copy paste several trips from the FLICA "Pairing View" window which shows my February trips.

1) I copy the trips.
2) I paste the trips using Process New Trips and also the AUTO filter. The trips al paste in.
3) When I process the trips, there is a pause like something is happening... but then NO trips import.
4) I've tried this several times.

NOW... i have an ALERT saying I have 13 trips to import. (2 Attempts of 6 trips plus attempting a single trip)

I believe this is the correct flow I have used for Nov/Dec/Jan and I am not sure whats different. Somethings broken under the hood if its adding an alert that i have trips but then nothing imports....

Hmmm any ideas?

FLICA is straight-forward and no problems noted nor buggy flow. Try copying and pasting one trip at a time or carefully select the trips (not the entire page) and paste in your month. I suggest trying APDL.net so you can review the trips prior to import to the app as well, either way they both work the same. Your trip data does not include the year data so the current year is assumed so if you are importing 2015 data you should do this on APDL.net where you can edit the trip start date to change and correct the year if needed.

If you need to delete the trips from the app just tap the day and then tap in the duty header area and you'll see the red delete entire trip option. Refer to the docs if you need more info.
I have never copied the full page, I suspect that is certainly the issue. Just copy each trip from the pairing number through the crew line. You should do this at APDL.net as Neal mentioned for the above reasons.