Closing the Currency Editor


Nov 19, 2001
Here's a suggestion: On the Currency Editor, there is not a exit door as there is on just about all the other widow displays. I would suggest one be placed next to the Currency Preview icon.
Yes, I thought of that, there really isn't a toolbar on the Currency editor is why. However, if you right-click you will see a popup menu which offers the option to close the currency editor.

Thanks for the suggestion.

Neal Culiner
NC Software, Inc.
Yes, I realize that you can right click to get to the exit door and that a toolbar is not neccessary on the editor.

It still would be nice just to have the door alone without the other toolbar items right by the preview icon. It's intuitive: 'upper right hand corner to go out the door to leave or, oh yah, before I go to the door, let me see what the currencies will look like.' All the same thoughts, all in the same place.