Currency Items/Reminders


New member
Aug 2, 2006
It would be great for those of us who fly part 135, if when creating a new currency item you could chose simulator take-offs & landings as an aircraft constraint. I say this because under 135 you can maintain night currency by completing 6 night take-offs & landings in the sim within the previous 12 months. I've been unable to find any easy way to create this parameter in the current version of LBP. Another way to cover this base may be to allow the designation of a particular tail number in the aircraft constraints, when creating a currency item.

Also related to currency (through the history items section): Is there any way to get the currency reminder to recognize that for certain history items under 135, we have a grace month within which we can complete a currency item (i.e. a line check)? The reminder system is great, but I prefer that the system not show me out of currency when I'm still in my grace month.


P.S. LBP is still the most incredible tracking system I've ever seen!!