Duplicate Entries


Well-known member
Aug 26, 2005
Recently I have been making manual entries to LBP instead of syncing from APDL when I fly a new tail number so it matches up the right aircraft type for future entries. I discovered that when I hotsync, LBP makes duplicate entries for those flights I made manual entries for previously. I checked the forums for this problem but none relate or they are old. Any help is greatly appreciated.


If you have data on your PDA and you manually add the same flights, there is no way for Logbook Pro to know what is duplicate. I suggest using the PDA Wizard to sync in your data then go through and modify the flights as required, this will prevent the duplication from a sync and manual entry as you are experiencing now.

If you have data on your PDA and you manually add the same flights, there is no way for Logbook Pro to know what is duplicate. I suggest using the PDA Wizard to sync in your data then go through and modify the flights as required, this will prevent the duplication from a sync and manual entry as you are experiencing now.

Wow! Thanks for the fast response. Your customer service is top notch and one of many reasons I recommend your software to everyone I fly with.

Ok. So I am understanding that if I manually type in an entry and then sync days later LBP can't see that it is duplicate data? Secondly I figured that if I want a specific tail number with a specific type it had to be entered correctly on the first entry. But, you are saying that I can sync to avoid duplicates, then go back and change from the default aircraft type and it will be remembered for future hotsyncs?

Thanks again,


No, Logbook Pro cannot detect a duplicate entry. I may fly the same aircraft three times in a day and coincidentally the duration is the same for each flight. I don't see any way Logbook Pro can detect duplicates. As for APDL syncing - the PDA Wizard knows the last APDL flight that was sync'd and therefore when you sync the next time you should leave the default of "New APDL Flights." If you manually change the date filter such as you want to resync March 2006, Logbook Pro actually removes all APDL flights in the date range you've selected then reimports them. Logbook Pro knows the difference in flights that came from APDL vice manual entry, so when it purges the March 2006 APDL flights, manually entered flights in March are NOT removed.

Hope this makes sense.

I see how this works. First, what I want to clarify, is that I should sync all data and then go back and manually change new tail numbers to the correct aircraft type. So, in the future this tail number will be correctly entered when I sync from that entry? No need for dummy entries to get the correct aircraft type?

My suggestion for duplicates is that LBP would see same day, departure, arrival, tail number, duration, any instrument or nite and whether PF or PNF and flag the entry as a duplicate for you to verify. If all these parameters don't match no duplicate. If in the extremely rare instance where you fly the same tail number the same duration and same city pairs LBP should just give you a message stating possible duplication entry and ask for you to verify. My situation seems easy. I manuually entered the data for a 4 day trip. A week later I synced and the same data was written. I'm no programmer but it seems like a simple " if then" code. In your suggestion same tail 3 times in one day should all be synced at once. It should not be synced as new data twice. Hope this helps. I know you strive to make the best product possible.

I see how this works. First, what I want to clarify, is that I should sync all data and then go back and manually change new tail numbers to the correct aircraft type. So, in the future this tail number will be correctly entered when I sync from that entry? No need for dummy entries to get the correct aircraft type?


I think as you learn how the system works, i.e. use the PDA Wizard to sync in your APDL data, then modify in Logbook Pro as required, you'll find you will never have duplicate entries.