OK, my apologies --- I must admit that I didn't do a very good job explaining what was going on partially because of my frustration. So here is an attempt at a better explanation.
I imported a comma-delimited file. The import did not contain values in two of the import columns, Aircraft ID and Route. These two fields for my purposes are irrelevant. After the import I realize that for a two-week period in the data I needed to fill in some Turbine time. So I selected the field and typed in the decimal time that matched the duration and hit 'Enter'. The software complained by telling me that there was an error 'Required Data Missing'. That and subsequent attempts to enter data only caused this error box/screen/what ever you want to call it, to come up. Thereby making it impossible for me to enter any data.
I have over 65 pages of data in my spreadsheet for which I do not use these two fields. It is very unacceptable to me to have to go and and enter thousands of lines in my XL database just to make it possible for me to use the program i.e. work with the data . Hence I am very very frustrated. I find your software program overall and excellent program. And would like very much to be able to use it, but these absolute constraints frustrate me.
I can't understand why the program has Required Fields. It should be capable of leaving a field blank, except for the field that is used as the record key that is the unique identifier for the record is always needed. The Aircraft ID and Route are not calculated fields. Even if they were, if a field is blank you simply calculate a 0.
Please tell me there is a way to use your program WITHOUT BEING FORCED to fill in these fields.