Leather logbooks


Dec 20, 2002
Has anyone purchased the leather logbooks? How do you like the binder? I am interested in the Old World log book. I wish there were more, and better pictures available for each model and color. Is the brown #104 the one pictured for that model?

Dear Jason:

I use the MGOent Old World Binder in the light brown color. The quality is good on the binders. I suspect that the premier binder is of the same quality as the old world binder, but the priemer has better leather and will look a bit more formal. Either way, you will have a good look. (After the $$ I spent, I probably would have went with the premier logbook in retrospect).

I also spent the extra $$ on the engraved name. It is a very sharp looking book.

I have three words of caution for you if you buy the old world or premier binders:

1) You will have to buy the special MGOent paper, which is very expensive.

2) You may run into problems with getting the print margins just right since logbook 1.X has not completely solved the problem of duplexing. I spent about 4 hours, and 50 pages of cheap paper, before I got logbook pro to print onto the MGOent paper, and I am still not 100% satisfied. However, when it is all said and done, I am 95% satisfied in the presentation of my logbook. LBP claims that it is printer specific, I disagree. I think its in the program. 2.X is supposed to solve this problem.

3) The binders have 3/4 inch rings. Which in reality can only hold 1/2 to 5/8 inch worth of paper. This comes out to about 80 to 100 pages of logbook. For me, that was around 2,250 hours of time. I wound up having to purchase two (2) logbooks and next year I will probably have to buy a third.

Overall, I am relatively satisfied with my purchase. I wish that the MGOEnt Binders had at least 1' rings, the paper was less expensive, and the printing problems were solved.


Thanks for the input! The web site for these leather logbooks is very brief. There are no in depth look at the features and customization options available for their products. I would suggest that they update their web site with more usability to the potential customer. But I thank you for your opinion it has more credibility than a biased sales pitch from the manufacture.

I just purchased LBP it is fantastic piece of software and I can't wait for V.2. Hopefully it will be out by the time I need to print anything out.
