LogPage data disappears


New member
Aug 19, 2005
When I run a HotSync some of my logpages data disappears. There seems to be no rhyme or reason as to which pages change and which don't. It can either be a page that is being written into Logbook Pro or one that has already been written. I set the date in teh Singlesync page to only write the newest data.
When you say 'HotSync some of my logpages data disappears'.. Is data from the Palm logbook missing or is data in LogbookPro (changed/missing) ?

If it is the Palm's AirlineLogbook data, then click on the Hotsync icon on your the lower right of Windows. Click (Custom) and (System Conduit). Make sure it is set to 'Handheld overwrites desktop'. Click (Ok) and (Ok).

Otherwise please send me a copy of apdl_synclog.txt and conduit.txt files. They can be found in c:\program files\palm\[palm user name, abv]\apdl folder. Please include the exact dates you are having an issue with. You can email this to support@nc-software.com

Fly Safe!

Paul Auman
APDL Development Team
NC Software, Inc.