Missing data in APDL folder on PC


New member
Apr 1, 2007
I am missing some data in My APDL folder on my PC. Specifically I am missing the Expense report, Flying calendar, and detailed flying folders from 03/06 to 11/06 and 1/07 to present. All the data from 2001 til 03/06 is present. All the data is intact in my Palm for those months as well ( 03/06 - 11/06 and 2007) I have hotsynced several times. ow can I get the data to do my taxes?


Palm OS
APDL Ver 6.0.4

I don't know if you're using the old/phased out SingleSync or the newer PDA Wizard in Logbook Pro 1.10.26. To run the APDL Legacy Reports you need to use Logbook Pro 1.10.26 and sync APDL using the PDA Wizard. When you get to the APDL configuration page of the PDA Wizard (2nd step) make sure the appropriate checkbox is checked to generate the reports on the top right. After the sync is complete the reports are accessed from Reports...APDL Reports. Make sure SingleSync is removed as it may cause a conflict with Logbook Pro 1.10.26 which uses the newer sync engine.

You can also use the web utilities at the bottom of the APDL Portal.
thanks for the quick reply.

I must be using single sync as i don't have Log Book Pro. Does the LBP wizard work stand alone with APDL or do I need the full LBP program to do those reports.

I am curious why I am only missing 03/06 to 11/06 and 1/07 to present and still have 12/06 in there (200612 files). Did a accidently change some thing. The only changes i know I made are upgrading to V 6.0.4 from 4.3 but that was in 9/06. Any ideas on settings i may have changed?

I'm not sure why the date ranges were left out, this is why we ditched SingleSync, it was very buggy. We rewrote the sync engine in the PDA Wizard so it's been improved significantly. You must have both Logbook Pro and APDL licensed. The only alternative is the APDL Portal, bottom section.