Paper selection for printout suggestions


New member
May 30, 2005
Hi everyone,

I'm fairly new at using Logbook Pro and I'm finally getting down to printing
out my completed work of data entry sweat and toil.

I'm thinking of using the MGOEnt "Old World" Leather binder but I'm a little
confused as to what kind of paper I should use to make the printouts.

I have access to both an inkjet and a laser printer (if that makes a difference)
and I'd like to know what other people have been using.

Do people use just "regular old" printer paper? or do they go with the heavier,
cotton "resume" quality (20lb, 24lb weight)?

What is the weight of the paper used with the "old fashioned" hand-written

Thank you all for any input you may have.
Hello JimG,

For printing solutions for the MGOent. Old World binder, I highly recommend the MGOent pre-drilled, perforated pages. Logbook Pro has reports designed to fit so all you do is print, with any printer of your choice, tear away the perforated edges, and place in the binder. The Old World binder has 6 rings so using the heavy bond paper by MGOent is the easiest solution, not only due to the hole punching, but also for the most professional appearance.

Hope this helps! I'm sure you'll see how Logbook Pro provides you with a polished professional binder solution ready for any purpose; hard copy backup or that special job interview with a major airline.
