Pocket PC Sync Issues - Ensure Pocket Access is checked

Neal Culiner

Founder, President
Staff member
Nov 14, 2001
It has come to my attention that there may be problems sync'ing the Pocket PC if Pocket Access is NOT checked in ActiveSync. If you have been experiencing problems with the Pocket PC Companion and are unable to install or configure with the PDA Wizard, go into ActiveSync, click the OPTIONS button on the main toolbar, and CHECK Pocket Access. After doing so, remove and reinstall the Pocket PC Companion.

The little box next to Pocket Access disappears and then you cannot check it and the sync will no longer work. I have already removed and reinstalled PPC Companion, including deletinmg the files afterward. I got one sync to work and then it stopped.
Ostroff said:
The little box next to Pocket Access disappears and then you cannot check it and the sync will no longer work. I have already removed and reinstalled PPC Companion, including deletinmg the files afterward. I got one sync to work and then it stopped.

I would suggest uninstalling again, this time also delete your ActiveSync partnership, then uninstall ActiveSync, reinstall ActiveSync 3.8 and reinstall Logbook Pro to your PDA.
It appears the problem as someting to do with remote sync or "work" network setup. When I changed the work setting to "internet" and undid all the rest, the box reappeared.
Logbook Pro not compatible with Windows Mobile 5

According to Microsoft, sync with Pocket Access is no longer available with Windows Mobile 5 and Active Sync 4.0. I've used LBP Companion with my old Ipaq for years. I just received a new Dell Axim with Windows Mobile 5 and Active Sync 4.0. There isn't even an option for Access and the help screen says sync for Access is not available with Mobile 5. Here is the quote from Microsoft ...

ActiveSync 4.0 with a Windows Mobile 5.0 device does not support converting Access tables to Pocket Access (CDB) format. ActiveSync 4.0 with a device prior to Windows Mobile 5.0 does support the conversion of Access to Pocket Access (CDB) format.

Guess anyone who buys a new PDA from here on will be hooped. Thanks Microsoft :-( ... Hopefully Neal can come up with a solution!!
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Thanks for the info. I'm using 3.8 and it still does not work eventhough I thought I had it working
jsollows said:
According to Microsoft, sync with Pocket Access is no longer available with Windows Mobile 5 and Active Sync 4.0. I've used LBP Companion with my old Ipaq for years. I just received a new Dell Axim with Windows Mobile 5 and Active Sync 4.0. There isn't even an option for Access and the help screen says sync for Access is not available with Mobile 5. Here is the quote from Microsoft ...

ActiveSync 4.0 with a Windows Mobile 5.0 device does not support converting Access tables to Pocket Access (CDB) format. ActiveSync 4.0 with a device prior to Windows Mobile 5.0 does support the conversion of Access to Pocket Access (CDB) format.

Guess anyone who buys a new PDA from here on will be hooped. Thanks Microsoft :-( ... Hopefully Neal can come up with a solution!!

We are going to review AS4 and WM5 as soon as it is officially released and available to developers from Microsoft. It is odd vendors such as Dell and SprintPCS are "pre-releasing" this platform before officially released by Microsoft, which last I heard was December. Microsoft just released (Nov 7th) their new developer platforms and I'm sure AS4/WM5 will follow those releases as they are all part of the new set of development tools. As soon as we have more information and updates available, it is recommended to follow the requirements guidelines for both Logbook Pro and APDL as we clearly state WM5 is not yet supported.
The box next to Pocket PC is not there in the options list. If I uncradle the PPC, the box appears and can be checked. As soon as the PPC is cradled again, the box disappears. I think there is an old PALM "relationship" in my PPC that from when I had the Palm version of PDA companion, but I cannot delete it. I think this remnant is stopping me from syncing with Logbookpro's PPC version. Any suggestions? My PDA has never sync'd with PPC version despite MANY MANY reinstalls in every imaginable order.
Ostroff said:
The box next to Pocket PC is not there in the options list. If I uncradle the PPC, the box appears and can be checked. As soon as the PPC is cradled again, the box disappears. I think there is an old PALM "relationship" in my PPC that from when I had the Palm version of PDA companion, but I cannot delete it. I think this remnant is stopping me from syncing with Logbookpro's PPC version. Any suggestions? My PDA has never sync'd with PPC version despite MANY MANY reinstalls in every imaginable order.

If you can, try uninstalling Logbook Pro Pocket PC Companion from your PC (Windows Control Panel Add/Remove pgorams area. After doing so, delete your partnership in ActiveSync with the PPC removed from the cradle (File menu) then uninstall ActiveSync and then install ActiveSync 3.8. Hard reset your Pocket PC, then recradle it to establish a partnership. Reinstall Logbook Pro Pocket PC Companion ensuring you do not choose "UPGRADE" during the installation interview process.
can't sync- data file is missing

I have axim51 brand new. w/mobile5 & active sync 4.0. on my ppc I get "data file is missing". What to do? I have reinstalled 10 times! I have checked the do not upgrade option. If this does not work can I get my money back.
jsollows said:
According to Microsoft, sync with Pocket Access is no longer available with Windows Mobile 5 and Active Sync 4.0. I've used LBP Companion with my old Ipaq for years. I just received a new Dell Axim with Windows Mobile 5 and Active Sync 4.0. There isn't even an option for Access and the help screen says sync for Access is not available with Mobile 5. Here is the quote from Microsoft ...

ActiveSync 4.0 with a Windows Mobile 5.0 device does not support converting Access tables to Pocket Access (CDB) format. ActiveSync 4.0 with a device prior to Windows Mobile 5.0 does support the conversion of Access to Pocket Access (CDB) format.

Guess anyone who buys a new PDA from here on will be hooped. Thanks Microsoft :-( ... Hopefully Neal can come up with a solution!!
When will the Axim 51 update be available?

Just curious when we will be able to use this program with windows moblie 5 and activesync 4?

I mistakingly bought the logbook pro pocket pc edition without looking at the requirements. I have a Dell Axim 51 and it doesn't support this program.

Please tell me I didn't waste my money?