Have you tried StyleTap or talked to them? It sounds like Palm apps work well other than the sync issueand that is kinda important. However, if there was a manual way to move the data and synch with LBP that would be fine. Why do I ask this? The BlackJack is a cool device and much cheaper than the Treo 750 from Cingular. Currently have a 650 from Sprint and generally like it.
I know the challenge might be for you to get a hold of a Q or BlackJack for development purposes. I guess the benefit would be that you could expand your customer base.
Any thoughts on manually pulling the files from the handheld to the PC?
EDIT: I found out a few more tidbits from StyleTap :
Some possible solutions:
1) See the article "Subsitute for Conduits in StyleTap Platform" in our Knowlebase:,1
This article describes how you can use TCP connections over ActiveSync to connect the Palm application to a server program running on a PC. Very flexible, but takes some work to program.
2) Manually copy databases from the device to the PC using the ActiveSync File Explorer. Usually these databases are in \Program Files\StyleTap\db folder. The .stp file extension can be renamed to .pdb or .prc. The file can then be handled by your desktop code.
3) Same as 2), but copy to an SD card and physically move the SD card wherever you like.
4) Write a desktop PC program that makes calls to Microsofts RAPI APIs that allow you to open and read files located on the device. Downside of this approach is that these APIs are a little tricky to use. Also, you can collide with StyleTap if it is running while you are copying stuff (this applies to 2) and 3) as well). You should see:
for more info on the files in the db directory.
5) The databases can be manually beamed using a utility like Filez or programmatically from the device using Exchange Manager calls to a PC with an IR adapter.
6) We also have an alpha version of a StyleTap Sync server that is based around using HTTP between the device and the desktop. It's more advanced than 1), but it's also more complicated to understand, and the code is only at the alpha stage. You can get this by special request.
I love your program and no airline pilot should be without it.
- Chris