Apple M1


Well-known member
APDL Beta Team
Sep 3, 2013
Hello.. I am on lockdown (Apple M1) waiting for Parallels to get it together with the new Apple M1 chip.. My previous laptop suddenly crashed, and I bought the latest,.. I think Neil mentioned he was running on a Apple M1, but I couldn’t get it to work.. ugh..
Last laptop crashed, and until Parallels gets a fix for Apples M1 chip, I am on lockdown.. I think Neil was using a M1 chip with his Apple .. I tried loading Paralles test program, but could not figure out the AMD (?) work around..
As the M1 is new it may take time for vendors to catch up. This applies to many areas of macOS, even as developers using Apple tools we have limitations we have to work around. It's new tech and this is going to take time.

A couple months ago I bought a Dell XPS 17 with i9 processor, touch laptop I've ever owned. Love the large display, great keyboard (better than my MacBook Pro). Battery life isn't as good as a MacBook Pro but I'm always around power and don't really care about battery life, even when flying on airlines I have power. I highly recommend anyone looking for a great laptop to consider the Dell XPS.

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With the parallels technical preview you can download the build, but how do I get past the ARM That the Build requires.. Neil are you using parallels technical preview?

  • An ARM-based operating system installation image (VHDX or ISO).
I am a VMWare Fusion customer and supporter, I am not using it on anything at this time as I am using a dedicated Dell system for Windows. You may want to check with them or research their plans. Again, "Apple Silicon" is new, things will catch up in time.
I guess I may need to go to Best Buy and purchase a inexpensive Windows computer just for the logbook for now.. Will logbook download and sync LBK files into the computer from my cloud?
Anything meeting the system requirements will work - yes Windows 10 is supported and recommended. Great operating system! You could also check eBay which I never do enough (or Craigslist) as there are great deals out there.
ok.. I am back online with Windows on my Apple M1 MAC.. running Logbook Pro again after 4 months.. finally.. very happy.. steps above worked, and downloading LBP program and downloading backup from cloud all good.. count me back in..
I am a VMWare Fusion customer and supporter, I am not using it on anything at this time as I am using a dedicated Dell system for Windows. You may want to check with them or research their plans. Again, "Apple Silicon" is new, things will catch up in time.

I’ve been using VMWare Fusion for years to enable Logbook Pro use on my Macs. But it doesn’t look like VMWare is going to play ball with the M1 for a while. The Parallels option described in this thread is a bit more experimental than I want to mess with. What about DaaS? Would Logbook Pro work this way?
As the M1 is new it may take time for vendors to catch up. This applies to many areas of macOS, even as developers using Apple tools we have limitations we have to work around. It's new tech and this is going to take time.

I’ve been using parallels for quite a while and it works really good on Apple with M1
I’ve been using parallels for quite a while and it works really good on Apple with M1
My problem is, I don’t want to spend another $80 on Parallels after having VMWare for so long. I’m also skeptical, regardless of how well it works, of relying on a beta release of Parallels running a beta of Windows ARM as both aren’t fully supported.

Neal, would Logbook Pro work ok on a DaaS set-up?
So I took the plunge, and downloaded Parallels. The M1 version is experimental no longer, and is fully functional. Even better, after install, there's a button to download a free version of Windows 11, so I did. Runs smooth as butter. Logbook restored from backup file, and I'm back in business on my M1 Mac Mini. It's even simpler now than the youtube video above would have you believe since neither parallels or Windows are betas anymore. Just get Parallels first, and it will do the rest for you. Once Windows is up and running, just download, install, and active Logbook Pro, restore your backup, and you're done.
Neal, will you be putting out a desktop version for Mac any time in the near future? Paying $100/yr for parallels is a waste of $ to run an almost 2 decade old windows database application compared to switching to paying LogTen's annual fees. I don't want to switch, but really you guys should modernize the desktop application to work natively with a major operating system. This wait is giving me flashbacks of the years it took to get an iOS version of APDL/LBP where Palm/PocketPc were obsolete platforms. If you need $ to develop it, put up a kickstarter or pre-order option on your website.

Can you please give us some hope here..