Everything was fine....but now no more sync?


Nov 19, 2001
I can't say more than that. Everything was working fine for some time now. Everyday, I would come home and drop the ppc into the cradle and when I opened LBP, it would say I have entries to sync. Something went wrong and I don't know where to look, cause now when I open LBP, it doesn't say I have entries to sync even though I do have a few days worth on my PPC. Pocket Access is still enabled, and when activesync does it's thing it says it's syncronized.

You have a sticky Neal talking about not having the current MSDN utility. I wanted to try that just in case something I loaded onto my ppc loaded an older version, but I couldn't find the file you were pointing us to.
Don't you love computers?

What I would do, if it were mine, is reset the PDA, by cycling the power switch, and if necessary, delete the partnership on ActiveSync and rerun the configuration of the PPC and then Logbook Pro companion install.

I can't say that my PPC is nearly as reliable as my Palm device, but the PPC is so much more powerful. In time the PPC's will get better, we should all hope!


Neal Culiner
NC Software, Inc.
I deleted my partnership and resynced, and once more it did not work. I clicked on priorities of Pocket Access, and I see:

\My Documents\Kunle's Logbook.cdb

There are only the 9 PDA tables listed. I thought when we originally setup, the directions say to activate tables that start with PDA (9 of them) and tblPalm (4 of them). Should I be seeing the 4 tblpalm selection listed in the tables, or is that only for palm users?

Please refer to the help file (documentation) on how to install the Pocket PC Companion. One of the most important steps in the installation is SETTING the database location to:

\Program Files\Logbook Pro\Logbook.cdb</font>

If you don't do this, it will not work. Change the \My Documents setting to what I have above and all will be fine.\Program Files\Logbook Pro\Logbook.cdb

Neal Culiner
NC Software, Inc.