Ok you need to create two different trips. The last flight of the first trip will be mar 1 0205-0330. The first flight of the next trip will be mar 1 1630-2030.
Create the first trip and end the duty period after the 0205-0330 flight. Now, create a new duty period by going back to the schedule or calendar view and select "create new duty period" on MAR 2. When you enter the duty on and off, and OOOI times, cycle the date backwards to MAR 1 and it should work correctly.
If you have other flights on Mar 2, it may work better for you to do this process on the first duty period rather than the second. In other words, create the first duty period on Feb 28 and cycle the date of the duty and OOOI times forward to Mar 1.
We will have to look into an easier way to accomplish this for the future.