
The Competition Sucks!

I did some research and found 2 other OS X based electronic logbooks. The first one from Coradine Aviation Systems call LogTen looks great but is riddled with bugs. I downloaded and 2 minutes in to poking around in it, it was messing up everywhere.
The other logbook from 2nd Segment software called Climb! I haven't tried but doesn't look anything close to LogBook Pro.
NEIL: Here's your chance! Don't miss a market opportunity due to computer religion! The OS X operating system rules! I am a switcher - take it from me. I've been in the business 20 years - the Mac platform along with OS X are here to stay. It just is the best and fun to use. Port LogBook Pro to OS X and you'll rule the world! Make it based on MySQL or OpenBase - something open standards and very solid and you win! Take cues from LightSpeed POS software or even CheckOut! POS software. Easy and slick for a very basic user.
Hope you're listening...
I did some research and found 2 other OS X based electronic logbooks. The first one from Coradine Aviation Systems call LogTen looks great but is riddled with bugs. I downloaded and 2 minutes in to poking around in it, it was messing up everywhere.

Another friend of mine has given a good review to the Coradine LogTen product. But I would rather stay with Logbook Pro if there was any prospect of a Mac version.
I just installed Windows XP on my Mac via Boot Camp. Having a Mac version of Logbook Pro is a moot point now. It still would be nice, however, to be free from using Windows.
Another vote for a Mac version. There's only 2 reasons I have a Windows partition on my MacBook: Voyager for flightplanning and LogbookPro !

Mac....I am in

I am also one of the PC faithful that have switched to MAC and love is a real pain everytime I come home from a trip and have to restart my MAC...Load Windows etc........ A MAC version would be huge !!!! Thank you
I am also one of the PC faithful that have switched to MAC and love is a real pain everytime I come home from a trip and have to restart my MAC...Load Windows etc........ A MAC version would be huge !!!! Thank you
You might want to take a close look at vmware's Fusion for Mac ( It is not that expensive, lets you run windows XP within your Mac OS X session and even gives you the possibility to run any windows application outside the windows window straight into the Mac desktop just like any other Mac application. I run Logbook Pro like this and it works great...
Logbook pro w/fusion

I just switched to Mac, bought Fusion and downloaded LBP. I cannot open the package in WinXP. It fails with a rundll failure.
That worked

Thank you. I didnt realize you needed to download all of the updates. Now i have to figure out why my unlock code is not working. I bought this back in 2001. It doesnt seem to be unlocking.
Thank you. I didnt realize you needed to download all of the updates. Now i have to figure out why my unlock code is not working. I bought this back in 2001. It doesnt seem to be unlocking.

Feel free to submit a support ticket if you require further assistance, be sure to include your issued registration information in your support ticket.
I don't normally like topost "me too" responses, but I've spent the last several months trying to find a logbook program for OS X that is as good as Logbook Pro. I've found excatly nothing. QuickBooks and Logbook Pro are the only applications I run under Windows any more, so I would be very interested in being on the notification list for a Mac version, even a beta version.

# Mark T. Dame,
# VP, Internet Operations
# MFM Communication Software:
# Welcome to MFM Software, Inc.

Sing me in, too, for a Mac Version... Mac is far better than windows!!!!
You might want to take a close look at vmware's Fusion for Mac (VMware Fusion Overview, Run Windows on Mac, Virtual PC on Mac - VMware). It is not that expensive, lets you run windows XP within your Mac OS X session and even gives you the possibility to run any windows application outside the windows window straight into the Mac desktop just like any other Mac application. I run Logbook Pro like this and it works great...

You can also try this links.... Run Windows on Mac OS X - with no rebooting!
I have also switched to a mac. I installed Parallels only to run Log Book Pro. Besides taking up unnecessary hard drive space, Parallels makes my computer run slower when it is open. I have to reboot to correct the problem. It is also a multi-step process just to open LBP. I wish I could just click on an icon and open into LBP without all the steps of first launching into windows. I would be a huge advocate of having a mac version of LBP as well as a beta tester.
I use VMWare Fusion on one Mac - runs great, no affect on the OS. I don't have any experience with Parallels. My MacBook Pro uses bootcamp - love having Windows 7 on it in one partition and then Mac OS in the other. Windows 7 is phenominal, the best OS out there hands down. Sorry to see the marketing hype getting people to spend so much money on an inferior OS, but better hardware.