i have read all the files on uninstalling and reinstalling the ppc software. all was working well before i upgraded to 1.9.7. After the upgrade, i put in all the purchase code, uninstalled the PPC software per instructions, reinstalled,entered the purchase code. then i entered test data to see if the synch would work. it worked on the first startup of the LBP software by putting a window in my face that said the data had been incorperated. it was not like 1.9.5 where you have to go to the PDA companion menu. so, then i closed LBP, took the PPC out of the cradle, purged its data, entered new test data, synched, opened LBP andit won't synchfor me.
i have done this twice now with no luck. help!
i have done this twice now with no luck. help!